Thursday, May 26, 2011

Office 2010 Ribbon Icon Issue

I ran into an unusual display issue with the icons in the Office 2010 ribbon.  All of the Office 2010 ribbon icons appeared as low resolution while icons in other applications appeared to be unaffected.  Below is an example of the icon issue.

After much searching and troubleshooting, it turns out that this was being caused by AirDisplay, a utility I had recently installed which allows me to extend my Windows desktop onto my iPad. Uninstalling AirDisplay and restarting my computer resolved the issue.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010 Version Numbers

Forefront UAG RTM:  4.0.1101.0
Forefront UAG Update 1:  4.0.1152.100

VersionRelease DateVersion Number
Gold (no updates)25 January 20104.0.1101.0
Sec Update MS10-0899 Nov 20104.0.1101.052
Update 112 April 20104.0.1152.100
U1 Rollup 118 May 20104.0.1152.110
U1+Sec Update MS10-0899 Nov 20104.0.1152.150
Update 221 September 20104.0.1269.200
U2+Sec Update MS10-0899 Nov 20104.0.1269.250
Service Pack 1 RC21 October 20104.0.1575.10000
Service Pack 13 December 20104.0.1752.10000
Service Pack 1 Rollup 128 December 20104.0.1752.10020
Service Pack 1 Rollup 2 (a.k.a. Q1 2011 Rollup)6 April 20114.0.1752.10025

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Useful NearPoint SQL Queries

General Mailbox Information

To determine the number of folders in a user’s mailbox archive:

select * from MessageFolder (nolock)
where MailboxID = 16

or if you just want the count

select COUNT(*) from MessageFolder (nolock)
where MailboxID = 16

To find information on a given mailbox by name:

select * from MimosaContext..Mailbox (nolock) where MailboxName like '%clare%'

To show the number items awaiting processing, use the following query (Note that I’m not really sure about this.)

select mailboxid, COUNT(*)  from mimosaexchangeitem_1..messagequeryprep (nolock)
group by mailboxid

Mailbox Indices

Number of folders in a user’s mailbox:

use MimosaExchangeItem_1
select * from MessageFolder (nolock)
where MailboxID = 16

Location of the Index chunk(s) for a given mailbox, e.g., MailboxId = ‘34’

use MimosaContext

select MB.MailboxID, SG.StorageGroupName, SG.MailboxStoreName, MB.MailboxName, LV.SharePath+IL.IndexRelativePath as Location, IL.IndexPath 
from storageGroup SG (NOLOCK), Mailbox MB (NOLOCK), IndexLocation IL (NOLOCK), NPStorageLogicalVolume LV (NOLOCK)
where MB.StorageGroupID = SG.StorageGroupID AND MB.MailboxID = IL.MailboxID
      AND LV.LogicalVolumeID=IL.LogicalVolumeID
      AND MB.MailboxId = '34'

Mailboxes queued for re-indexing:

use MimosaContext
Select * from IndexTaskQueue
/* TaskType=23:  Queue for re-index; this task removes the indices from the original location */
/* TaskType=25:  Rebuilds index in new location */
Where TaskType = '23' 

Mailboxes being re-indexed:

use MimosaContext
Select * from IndexTaskQueue
/* TaskType=23:  Queue for re-index; this task removes the indices from the original location */
/* TaskType=25:  Rebuilds index in new location */
Where TaskType = '25' 

Mailbox indices by location, mailbox id, store, etc.

use MimosaContext
select MB.MailboxID, SG.StorageGroupName, SG.MailboxStoreName, MB.MailboxName, LV.SharePath+IL.IndexRelativePath as Location, IL.IndexPath  from storageGroup SG (NOLOCK), Mailbox MB (NOLOCK), IndexLocation IL (NOLOCK), NPStorageLogicalVolume LV (NOLOCK)  where MB.StorageGroupID = SG.StorageGroupID AND MB.MailboxID = IL.MailboxID
      AND LV.LogicalVolumeID=IL.LogicalVolumeID
      /*AND MailboxStoreName LIKE '%MAILNO04%'*/
      /*AND MailboxName like 'HR%'*/
      /*AND MB.MailboxId = '1122'*/
      /*AND IL.IndexRelativePath LIKE '%INDEX2%'*/
      /*AND LV.SharePath LIKE '\\MIMNVT02\IORINDEX-02%'*/
        AND LV.SharePath LIKE '\\MIMNVT02\INDEX%'

Queue mailboxes for re-indexing based on location, mailbox id, etc.

use MimosaContext

-- Declare variables
DECLARE @MailboxDB TABLE(MailboxID NVARCHAR(150), StorageGroupName NVARCHAR(100), MailboxStoreName NVARCHAR(100), MailboxName NVARCHAR(100), Location NVARCHAR(100))

INSERT INTO @MailboxDB (MailboxID, StorageGroupName, MailboxStoreName, MailboxName, Location)
SELECT TOP 38 MB.MailboxID, SG.StorageGroupName, SG.MailboxStoreName, MB.MailboxName, LV.SharePath+IL.IndexRelativePath as Location 
from storageGroup SG (NOLOCK), Mailbox MB (NOLOCK), IndexLocation IL (NOLOCK), NPStorageLogicalVolume LV (NOLOCK)
where MB.StorageGroupID = SG.StorageGroupID AND MB.MailboxID = IL.MailboxID
      AND LV.LogicalVolumeID=IL.LogicalVolumeID
      /*AND MailboxStoreName LIKE '%MAILNO04%'*/
      /*AND MailboxName like 'HR%'*/
      /*AND IL.IndexRelativePath LIKE '%INDEX2%'*/
      /*AND LV.SharePath LIKE '\\MIMNVT02\IORINDEX-02%'*/
      AND LV.SharePath LIKE '\\MIMNVT02\INDEX%'

-- Create a cursor for the databases on each Server\Instance (Inner Loop)
SELECT MailboxID FROM @MailboxDB
OPEN dbCursor

INTO @MailboxID

      SELECT @MailboxID
      exec msisp_AddIndexingtask @MailboxID,0,'','','CONSOLE',0,0,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,23,0

      -- Fetch Next Record
      FETCH NEXT FROM dbCursor
      INTO @MailboxID

To determine the index locations for a given mailbox (e.g., ‘AssetID=16’) use the following queries:

select * from MimosaContext..AssetIndexMap (nolock)
where AssetId = 16

select * from MimosaContext..Indexlocation (nolock)
where MailboxId = 16

To identify mailbox indices which have been split into multiple chunks:

use MimosaContext

select MB.MailboxID, SG.StorageGroupName, SG.MailboxStoreName, MB.MailboxName, LV.SharePath+IL.IndexRelativePath as Location, IL.IndexPath  from storageGroup SG (NOLOCK), Mailbox MB (NOLOCK), IndexLocation IL (NOLOCK), NPStorageLogicalVolume LV (NOLOCK)
where MB.StorageGroupID = SG.StorageGroupID AND MB.MailboxID = IL.MailboxID
      AND LV.LogicalVolumeID=IL.LogicalVolumeID
      AND IL.IndexRelativePath LIKE '%INDEX2%'

Re-index mailboxes consisting of more than one index chunk using the following script:

use MimosaContext

-- Declare variables
DECLARE @MailboxDB TABLE(MailboxID NVARCHAR(150), StorageGroupName NVARCHAR(100), MailboxStoreName NVARCHAR(100), MailboxName NVARCHAR(100), Location NVARCHAR(100))

INSERT INTO @MailboxDB (MailboxID, StorageGroupName, MailboxStoreName, MailboxName, Location)
SELECT TOP 100 MB.MailboxID, SG.StorageGroupName, SG.MailboxStoreName, MB.MailboxName, LV.SharePath+IL.IndexRelativePath as Location 
from storageGroup SG (NOLOCK), Mailbox MB (NOLOCK), IndexLocation IL (NOLOCK), NPStorageLogicalVolume LV (NOLOCK)
where MB.StorageGroupID = SG.StorageGroupID AND MB.MailboxID = IL.MailboxID
      AND LV.LogicalVolumeID=IL.LogicalVolumeID
      AND IL.IndexRelativePath LIKE '%INDEX2%'

-- Create a cursor for the databases on each Server\Instance (Inner Loop)
SELECT MailboxID FROM @MailboxDB
OPEN dbCursor

INTO @MailboxID

      SELECT @MailboxID
      exec msisp_AddIndexingtask @MailboxID,0,'','','CONSOLE',0,0,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,23,0

      -- Fetch Next Record
      FETCH NEXT FROM dbCursor
      INTO @MailboxID


To extract XML code from a database field:

select cast(NPConfigDetails as XML) from MimosaContext..npconfiguration (nolock)